Contribute to the IAF

Please consider a donation to the Idaho Aviation Foundation. IAF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, meaning your contribution is tax-deductible. Consult your tax advisor .

Because of the way our donations are managed, 100% of your contribution goes to projects, not to administrative costs.

You have a few choices for donating. Please select from the following:

For assistance, call Idaho Aviation Foundation at 208-861-9056.

Help Keep the Backcountry Flourishing -

Your contributions to the IAF will help further our goals to preserve, maintain, repair, enhance and add to our public use airports and provide education to enhance safety. 

Your donation is tax deductible (follow IRS guidelines for donation and gifts). 

Are you ready to contribute? It's simple to donate.

Click here to donate online or send a check for your intended donation. Make check payable to Idaho Aviation Foundation.